Do you have a book, product, cause or business you’d like to promote? (6185 hits)
Want to be interviewed on top TV shows like MSNBC, 48 Hours, ABC's The View, Fox News and the Today Show?
Would you like to be featured in major national publications like Health, Time, Family Circle, O the Oprah Magazine, Entrepreneur, People, INC. or the New York Times?
Apply to attend the National Publicity Summit, April 22-25 in New York City – a unique chance to get major publicity for your book, product, business or cause
The National Publicity Summit is a one-of-a-kind conference where you'll personally meet more than 100 top journalists and producers and pitch your story to them, one-on-one and face-to-face.
If you’re got a message to share, seriously consider attending because there’s no where else you can meet this many media.