"Prayer Can Change Ones Life"
Prayer can change ones life anytime,
Anywhere, at any age.
It can renew ones mind and body,
calm the storms of daily living,
Which is wonderful and peaceful.
Even though we can't change the
whole world and make it perfect;
Each of us can pray our way pass all
our conflicts and negativity and into a
personal place of peace.
As we try to dismantle our personal
roadblocks through the honest approach
we will fine ourselves moving toward the
Promised peace, which waits for all of us,
Past potholes and detour signs like envy,
Impatience, fear and rigidity.
Inching forward, to discover the kingdom
Waiting not beyond some spectacular
Sunset, or up on a lofty mountaintop,
But right here.....right now.....inside each
Of our hearts.
As prayer changes our lives, we're learning
To be honest about our feelings, to take
Openly to God, to admit our missteps.
If one begins to believe that past all the
self-made stumbling block peace awaits.
( Luke 17:21 )
God, we know you are here. We know you
are listening. Help us to recognize and
overcome all our shortcomings that
separate us from our place of peace,
The kingdom within.
***By: Pam Kidd
***Posted By: Judith A