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I am sooo inspired (964 hits)

I gave a seminar tonight and about half of the crowd consisted of black business owners or wanna be owners. Usually when I give business and/or tax seminars whether it be for the IRS, CPA Society or a non profit I see maybe 1 of us out there. What impressed me even more they hammered me with questions. They felt comfortable enough to talk openly something I don't see because alot of times I hear that they are intimidated or feel that their questions are foolish. I love it love it love it. I hope to see more of it. They couldn't believe I was doing what I was doing because oftentimes what I do is reserved for either white or hispanic people hardly ever us. I can't tell you how often I hear I thought only white or hispanic (because it seems that they are the new recognized group - it's a shame cuz we built this nation but that's another blog) got the opportunities that I have. We'll see if they change it up now that a black people are gettin in :-). Until then I know I will at least keep going.

Visit Women of Color in Accounting
Posted By: crystal smith
Wednesday, July 15th 2009 at 11:18PM
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