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~ “USURPER” - ‘The Truncated Miscegenation Of Lord Othello, Venetian Warlord’ ~ (5504 hits)


‘The Truncated Miscegenation Of Lord Othello, Venetian Warlord’
Gregory V. Boulware, Esq.

Is it unwise for ‘European Women’ to Marry the “Temperamental Men” of other nations, as suggested by European Man?

“I lead the way up the steep inclined path through the mountain ridge. My group of soldiers marched and climbed before my Lord General with many armed and primed for battle – “Iron Men.” The battalions trained and seeked bountiful booty on this, our latest confrontation…our most current campaign.

We marched from ‘Casablanca’ to the ocean docks of the Mediterranean Sea. We sailed into the port of ‘Seville,’ and there, refreshed, retooled, and administered our forces and crew. Hence, endeavoring in the fulfillment of a newly agreed contract request. It was the ‘Venetians’ who requested our services. From ‘Seville’ to ‘Valencia,’ to ‘Corsica’ to ‘Genoa’ to ‘Venice,’ we ventured onward toward our destiny of ‘Venice.’ Our conquering reputation has preceded the up-close presence of superiority we liked to display when hailed by would be clients. Along the way, it is true that we have kicked “beau quo” ass. We conquered and destroyed all who stood before us – My Lord Othello and We, “Iron Men!”

Serving as Ambassador to Queen Elizabeth I in or about our time there or about 1600, His reputation has grown from hemisphere to next. The Roman Hierarchy wanted him conquered, to bow down to them as servant to be called.

Judaism, Christianity, and Islam evolved in the region known as the Middle East, which includes some of Southwest Asia, and parts of North Africa. In Africa itself, Christianity and Islam are the main faiths practiced but African traditional religions still thrive too, with ancestor veneration, magic, and witchcraft playing their part. The balance of those elements may be specific to particular ethnic groups as traditions vary from place to place.

Now close thine eyes and with a greedy ear, do pay close attention to the testimony put forth for all to bear witness; to the scents, fragrances, and mental depictions of this tale and of faraway places.

I remember back, yes, I, “Ali El-Saad Albushkin,” Moroccan Soldier, Sergeant At Arms, Artillery Man, and witness to a travesty and a tragedy…

“O, now and forever, farewell the Tranquil Mind! Farewell Content! Farewell the Plumed Troop and the Big Wars that make ambition virtue! O’ Farewell! Farewell the Neighing Steed and the shrill trump, the Spirit-Stirring Drum, the Ear-Piercing Fife, The Royal Banner and all quality, Pride, Pomp, and Circumstance of Glorious War!
And, O’ you mortal engines, whose rude throats the immoral Jove’s dread clamors counterfeit, Farewell!
~ Othello’s Occupation Gone!” ~

My Lord Othello was a “Moor.” He was descended from ‘Arabic and Berber’ Blood. Lord Othello was a Great and Mighty General who delighted in the glory of battle. Somehow, along the way, the general came to believe that his wife had been unfaithful to him. At that point, nothing that he once valued seemed important to him.

The lovely and wronged ‘Desdemona’ was most cherished and beloved. She was the daughter of a Venetian Senator. Desdemona, on the night of her death, confided in talks with her maid, her thoughts going back to the days before she was married:

“My Mother had a maid called Barbary.

She was in love; and he (whom) she loved proved mad, and did forsake her. She had a song of ‘Willow’; an old thing ‘Twas, but it expressed her fortune, and she died singing it. That song tonight will not go from my mind. I have much to do but to go hang my head all at one side and sing it like poor Barbary.”

Simply understood representations of the “Moor” were vague, varied, inconsistent, and contradictory. The term ‘Moor’ referred to dark-skinned people in general, used interchangeably with terms such as ‘African’, ‘Somali’, ‘Ethiopian’, ‘Negro’, ‘Arab’, ‘Berber’, and even ‘Indian’ to designate a figure from Africa (or beyond).” Various uses of the word Black (for example, “Haply for I am Black”) are insufficient evidence for any accurate racial classification, scholars argue, (an attempt at “Whitewashing” Blackness?) since Black could simply mean swarthy to Elizabethans. Iago twice uses the word “Barbary” or “Barbarian” to refer to Othello, seemingly referring to the Barbary coast inhabited by Berbers. Roderigo calls Othello “The Thicklips”, which seems to refer to Sub-Saharan African physiognomy; all intended as insults.

Iago, my Lord General’s trusted friend (the Devil incarnate) of loving and kindness, successfully manages to destroy Desdemona through lies he tells about her. The villain was merely a soldier. How is it that he managed to gain the right to make false and insinuating falsehoods?

It is Iago who manipulates all other characters at will, controlling their movements and trapping them in an intricate net of lies. He achieves this by getting close to all characters and playing on their weaknesses while they refer to him as “honest” Iago, thus furthering his control over the characters.

The party arrives in Cyprus to find that a storm has destroyed the Turkish fleet. Othello orders a general celebration and leaves to consummate his marriage with Desdemona. In his absence, Iago gets Cassio drunk, and then persuades Roderigo to draw Cassio into a fight. Montano tries to calm an angry and drunk Cassio down, but end up fighting one another. Montano is injured in the fight. Othello reenters and questions the men as to what happened. Othello blames Cassio for the disturbance and strips him of his rank. Cassio is distraught. Iago persuades Cassio to importune Desdemona to convince her husband to reinstate Cassio.

Roderigo, a wealthy and dissolute gentleman, complains to his friend Iago, an ensign, that Iago has not told him about the secret marriage between Desdemona, the daughter of a senator named Brabantio, and Othello, a Moorish general in the Venetian army. Roderigo is upset because he loves Desdemona and had asked her father for her hand in marriage.

Iago hates Othello for promoting a younger man named Cassio above him, whom Iago considers less capable a soldier than himself, and tells Roderigo that he plans to use Othello for his own advantage. Iago convinces Roderigo to wake Brabantio and tell him about his daughter’s elopement. Meanwhile, Iago sneaks away to find Othello and warns him that Brabantio is coming for him.

Brabantio, provoked by Roderigo, is enraged and will not rest until he has beheaded Othello, but he finds Othello’s residence full of the Duke of Venice’s guards, who prevent violence. News has arrived in Venice that the Turks are going to attack Cyprus, and Othello is therefore summoned to advise the senators. Brabantio has no option but to accompany Othello to the Duke’s residence, where he accuses Othello of seducing Desdemona by witchcraft.

Othello defends himself before the Duke of Venice, Brabantio’s kinsmen Lodovico and Gratiano, and various senators. Othello explains that Desdemona became enamored of him for the sad and compelling stories he told of his life before Venice, not because of any witchcraft. The senate is satisfied, once Desdemona confirms that she loves Othello, but Brabantio leaves saying that Desdemona will betray Othello: “Look to her, Moor, if thou hast eyes to see:/She has deceived her father, and may thee.” Iago, still in the room, takes note of Brabantio’s remark. By order of the Duke, Othello leaves Venice to command the Venetian armies against invading Turks on the island of Cyprus, accompanied by his new wife, his new lieutenant Cassio, his ensign Iago, and Iago’s wife, Emilia, as Desdemona’s attendant.

“We Are A Proud and Adventurous People – We Are The Moor!”

Iago now persuades Othello to be suspicious of Cassio and Desdemona. When Desdemona drops a handkerchief (the first gift given to her by Othello), Emilia finds it, and gives it to her husband Iago, at his request, unaware of what he plans to do with it. Othello reenters and vows with Iago for the death of Desdemona and Cassio, after which he makes Iago his lieutenant. The turning point of the play as it is the scene in which Iago successfully sows the seeds of doubt in Othello’s mind, inevitably sealing Othello’s fate.

Iago plants the handkerchief in Cassio’s lodgings, then tells Othello to watch Cassio’s reactions while Iago questions him. Iago goads Cassio on to talk about his affair with Bianca, a local courtesan, but whispers her name so quietly that Othello believes the two men are talking about Desdemona. Later, Bianca accuses Cassio of giving her a second-hand gift which he had received from another lover. Othello sees this, and Iago convinces him that Cassio received the handkerchief from Desdemona.

They all, those who hate the Moor, believe My Lord to be a fool – a monkey. She who loved and adored him, rubbed his battle-scars and he forgot the battles won and lost. She was the ‘kink’ in his Armour… The other was ‘Epilepsy.’ His believing of the snake cost him his wife and his life.

I remember that day…as clearly as if it were yesterday.

Lord Othello fought the Turks as General of all the armies for the whites’ of Italy…Venice.

My Lord wore his virtuous yet Princely items in both ears, complimenting the shirts and robes adorning his massive figure…married Desdemona in a beguiled manner…her father did not approve – they were friends up to that point.

The General was sent to the Isle of Cyprus. No one could believe that a fair, if not beautiful white woman could more than adore her Majestic Black Warrior.

My Lord Othello defeats the Turkish Fleet and is accepted by the Greeks. Casio is tricked into drinking wine while on guard duty. The Moorish Fleet and Army Battalions were not allowed to accompany our illustrious leader – to protect Him from the devilish Venetians.

As many of my ‘Comrades at Arms’ and I walked through, patrolling the alleys and corridors of this accursed land, vile and villainous behavior was witnessed. The evil that was put forth rivaled only “Sodom and Gomorrah.”

Sodomy and fornication of all sorts of un-natural practices was portrayed by the citizenry and military people alike – in buildings, tents, and balconies. s*xual perversion, wine, and smoke was all about – unavoidable throughout; man upon man, woman upon woman, in groups of three, four, five, and more. It permeated and manifested itself all over the city…to every conscious conspiring individual exposed.

The beginning, we believe, began with the slapping of Cassio in public, out in the open before the men of the armies and guard. It didn’t help the General when he publicly slapped his wife, in front of delegates and members of the court, either. Cassio’s loss of rank fueled the fire as well. Montano was injured badly by a drunken Cassio. Lord Othello blamed the innocent soldier and loyal friend for the fighting while he was absent. Excuses were not being heard or accepted.

Othello confronts Desdemona, and then strangles her in their bed. When Emilia arrives, Desdemona defends her husband before dying, and Othello accuses Desdemona of adultery. Emilia calls for help. The former governor Montano arrives, with Gratiano and Iago. When Othello mentions the handkerchief as proof, Emilia realizes what her husband Iago has done, and she exposes him, whereupon he kills her. Othello, belatedly realizing Desdemona’s innocence, stabs Iago but not fatally, saying that Iago is a devil, and he would rather have him live the rest of his life in pain.

Iago refuses to explain his motives, vowing to remain silent from that moment on. Lodovico apprehends both Iago and Othello for the murders of Roderigo, Emilia, and Desdemona, but Othello commits suicide. Lodovico appoints Cassio Othello’s successor and exhorts Cassio to punish Iago justly. He then denounces Iago for his actions and leaves to tell the others of what has transgressed.

Why O why hast thou, My Good Lord General, brought us to this God-Forsaken land of stream and liquid causeways? O how we, I do miss the beautiful green mountains of home. Why O why, my master, hast thou allowed the Venetian Dogs to snap and bite at thy genitals? Thou hast taken us from victories to the darkened towers and cliffs of treachery, debauched deceit, lying, manipulations, and murder.

The Venetian colloquy of incongruous irreverent and portentous brood casts vile glances of rancor upon thy very soul. How is it we’ve become subservient to them who besieched our aid? The remembrance of this adventure will not go untold. I, ‘Ali El-Saad Albushkin, (“Bushy” to friends and the ranks) will forever not allow the world to forget. I will not allow the treachery of of unbelied decent and indolent chicanery to elude or dilute the history and time. The truth will come forth upon my arrival, safe and untouched by the purported demons of this Venetian reign. From the departing deck and bulwarks of our homebound vessel, I am saddened to the point of broken heart. Our Honored General lay beliegardly at the hands of these scoundrels, those water-logged Venetian devils, these un-circumsized dogs and vermin of hateful horrors and demons.

The horrid vision of Our General, Our Admiral, Our Master swings in chains from the heels and soles. His woman of whiteness lies upon bed of white and red petals of rose plant and silk. The dog who betrayed us, sits high off the bulwarks of the castle in a basket of steel and wood, bloodied from head to foot, high above the ocean breakers. He is nearly dead by now. It is fortunate for him that we were not allowed to take him with us. He would know a thousand and one deaths. These people of his do not truly wish him dishonored. They had to punish him because the “Doge” was made aware of the unholy triangle.

The ‘Duke’ would have need of a reason to execute the hero-general and “Usurper of Cyprus.”

My Lord General Othello has led us all on many adventurous journeys and successful conquering campaigns wherever war opened its arms to us.”

Cinthio’s Moor:
Desdemona is the only named character in Cinthio’s tale, with his few other characters identified only as the “Moor”, the “Squadron Leader”, the “Ensign”, and the “Ensign’s Wife” (corresponding to the play’s Othello, Cassio, Iago and Emilia). Cinthio drew a moral (which he placed in the mouth of Desdemona) that it is unwise for European women to marry the temperamental men of other nations. Cinthio’s tale has been described as a “partly racist warning” about the dangers of miscegenation.

Is There Truly a miscegenistic reality or danger involving Bi-Racial Marriages Throughout The World?

This Author Thinks Not!

How About You…?

Til Next Time…

~ “SANKOFA” the “MAAFA” ~





Lord Othello: General in the Venetian military

Desdemona: Othello’s wife; daughter of Brabantio

Iago: Othello’s trusted, but jealous and traitorous ensign

Cassio: Othello’s loyal and most beloved captain

Bianca: Cassio’s lover

Emilia: Iago’s wife and Desdemona’s maidservant

Brabantio: Venetian senator and Desdemona’s father (can also be called Brabanzio)

Roderigo: Dissolute Venetian, in love with Desdemona

The Doge of Venice: The chief magistrate in the former republics of Venice and Genoa.

…and Ali El-Saad Albushkin: Moroccan Soldier, Sergeant At Arms, Artillery Man, and witness to a travesty and a tragedy.

Research and Acknowledgment(s):

Map-Mediterranean Sea:


25 Best Things to Do in Casablanca, Morocco


Marchette Chute, Author of An Introduction to Shakespeare – The New Book of Knowledge, Grolier, Inc., 1984


Cinthio’s Moor, 1600


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Posted By: Gregory V. Boulware, Esq.
Wednesday, May 9th 2018 at 10:54PM
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TEACH -- Brother Gregory Boulware, Esq.

This paragraph spoke true:

"Simply understood representations of the “Moor” were vague, varied, inconsistent, and contradictory. The term ‘Moor’ referred to dark-skinned people in general, used interchangeably with terms such as ‘African’, ‘Somali’, ‘Ethiopian’, ‘Negro’, ‘Arab’, ‘Berber’, and even ‘Indian’ to designate a figure from Africa (or beyond).” Various uses of the word Black (for example, “Haply for I am Black”) are insufficient evidence for any accurate racial classification, scholars argue, (an attempt at “Whitewashing” Blackness?) since Black could simply mean swarthy to Elizabethans. Iago twice uses the word “Barbary” or “Barbarian” to refer to Othello, seemingly referring to the Barbary coast inhabited by Berbers. Roderigo calls Othello “The Thicklips”, which seems to refer to Sub-Saharan African physiognomy; all intended as insults."


Thursday, May 10th 2018 at 12:48AM
Dea. Ron Gray Sr.

Well...Good Brother Deacon Ron Gray - You Know Me :-) ; I do what I do...

"I am about My Father's Work!" ...All Praises to 'The Most High!' Albeit, I do with all honesty and humility, thank you Brother for your readership, encouragement, and most of All - Your Friendship and Support of My Written Works!

I will always have much love for YOU...and My Family At Large.


~ "SANKOFA" the "MAAFA" ~

Peace and Love, Always,



Friday, May 11th 2018 at 12:54AM
Gregory V. Boulware, Esq.
Thank You Brother Doctor Gregory Boulware, Esq. for this thought provoking article of History. Don't stop posting here on Black In American, OK! I love it.

Saturday, May 12th 2018 at 10:33AM
Dea. Ron Gray Sr.
... :-)


Monday, May 14th 2018 at 9:06PM
Gregory V. Boulware, Esq.
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