Hi Everyone
I would just like to say, I did it!! I've start my second home-based busineess. I had a lot of great oppurtunity to choose from, but my choice was the #1 best cosmetic company in the wolrd-MARY KAY!! And I know I have made the right de ...
Posted Wednesday, April 29th 2009 at 1:57PM
Usana career night will be Thursday, March 12, 2009 at 7 p.m. Renaissaince Hotel, Montgomery, AL. Don't miss it. Don't just start a career, be your own boss. You set the hours , you set the pace, you set when and where you take a vacation. You are to ...
Posted Tuesday, March 10th 2009 at 5:54PM
Usana career fair night will be Thursday, March 12, 2009 at 7 p.m. Renaissaince Hotel, Montgomery, AL. Don't miss it. Don't just start a career, be your own boss. You set the hours , you set the pace, you set when and where you take a vacation. You a ...
Posted Tuesday, March 10th 2009 at 5:13PM
If you are looking for the best way to create a better way of life for you and your family, Usana is the way. By using Usana as a tool, you can begin to dream again. It's time for a change and time to live out your dreams. Remember if you want change ...
Posted Thursday, February 19th 2009 at 11:09AM